Well, here are some tips to remember when it comes to prioritising.
Ask yourself what MUST be done today, and what can wait until tomorrow or the next day?
If you have a deposit due or a vendor meeting, then that is a priority and must be executed. If you need to return an item you bought for your wedding and then changed your mind about it, you can do that task another time.
Try not to let interruptions hinder you from completing your priority task
Hubbie-to-be wants you to watch the game with him but you need to finish the seating chart? Make a compromise with him that during commercial breaks you BOTH work on the chart together. Do your best to stay on task for you'll find there is always a reason or excuse to not do some wedding work.
Plan ahead and make time for checking items of your to-do list
When planning a wedding it might seem like every task is a priority, but that's not true. There are certain goals you need to achieve by specific time frames (see this checklist from Real Simple here for help) and in order to complete these on time you have to make time. I like to recommend to my clients that Wednesday evenings become "Wedding Wednesdays." In the beginning stages of your planning (first few months) have this evening set aside every other week to talk about your ideas, make phone calls, send emails and check items of your to-do list. As your wedding gets closer, you may find you use every Wednesday to tie ribbon on favours, fold programs, and other tasks for your special day.
Try to make time for the things you used to do before you got engaged (because sometimes you'll find you might stop doing anything that doesn't involve the wedding). Spend time with your friends (sans wedding talk), get a pedicure and have a monthly (cause really, weekly is a little unrealistic) date night with your man. Make sure to spend alone time as well - take a bath, read a book or go for a walk.
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