I like events – so much so it’s my passion and part-time gig, but there are 2 parts of a Bridal Shower that I don’t like very much; games & gifts.
They are bound to take place at a Shower, they almost always do. The toilet paper dress, guessing the number of jellybeans and quizzing the Bride about her Groom. These games are time fillers and ways to have your guests socialize with one another – we get it. But, what about thinking of other ways to have your guests ‘play’ with one another and have fun? What about having karaoke, or have your shower at a bowling alley or driving range? Think about things that you like to do and ask your guests to participate with you. You don’t have to have the ‘typical’ Bridal Shower.
Different ideas:
Butterfly Conservatory (tour & tea)
Manicures & Martinis (best for smaller groups, all of age of course)
Batting Cages (hot dogs & ice cream)Outdoor Picnic (play boccie ball or badminton)
The only gift I’m interested in watching the Bride open is mine. I’m sure everyone else is on the same page as me – it’s boring to sit there for an hour (sometimes more) while the Bride ooh’s and ahh’s over her gifts. Sometimes though, this ritual is tolerable when combined with a game. I know, I said I don't really like them much at Showers, but the Bridal Bingo game makes watching the Bride open her plethora of gifts more fun.
Anyways, I know that the gifts is the main reason to have a Bridal Shower, but I think that there is a better way to do this than have everyone sit and watch. How about you ask all of your guests to take their gift with them to their seat, and then throughout the Shower, the Bride can stop by each table and open the gifts of the guests seated there? This way, you can see what others gave her, and she can spend some time with you during the event. So often guests go to showers and don’t say a word to the Bride who is busy socializing and mingling with others.
Don’t be afraid to try opening your gifts this way. For guests who are curious as to what you got, get a Bridesmaid to gather them up from each table and place them on a large table for viewing.

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